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Cordyline Fruiticosa – KIWI

Cordyline Fruiticosa – KIWI

GST Included

Cordyline Kiwi is a particularly pretty plant, having pinkish-red leaf margins, while the main leaf blade is splashed with broad bands of pale and dark green.

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LIGHT: The brightly-coloured leaves of Cordyline Kiwi need good light to retain their colour, don’t position this plant in full sun, but in the brightest indirect light available.


WATER: This plant needs plenty of water during the growing period but don’t allow the plant to sit in water.


GROWTH HABIT: Immature plants do not have the characteristic ‘palm’ shape of older plants. Leggy, or very large plants may be pruned back. Prune them to shape, or even cut back hard to 7-10cm. The plant will sprout bushily from the stump, looking much healthier.


SIZE: Will grow up to 2m tall.

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